[Stok69], the origin of the definition of parallel vector fields is closely related to devel-
opable surfaces, which are defined in Section 9.15. The relevant property of these sur-
faces is that they can be isometrically embedded in the plane and Levi-Civita originally
defined a vector field to be parallel if it mapped to a parallel vector field on the plane
under such a mapping. Of course not all surfaces are developable and Levi-Civita
reduced the general case to the developable case by constructing a developable surface
that was tangent to the given surface along the curve h.
Here are the important properties of parallel vector fields.
9.10.16. Theorem. Let S be a surface in R
and let h:[a,b] Æ S be a curve. Let X
and Y be differentiable vector fields along h.
(1) If X is parallel along h, then the vectors of X have constant length.
(2) If X and Y are parallel along h, then X •Y is constant along h.
(3) If X and Y are parallel along h, then the angle between the vectors of X and
Y is constant.
(4) If X and Y are parallel along h, then so are the vector fields X + Y and cX, for
all c Œ R.
Proof. Part (1) follows from Theorem 9.10.15(3) and the identities
Part (2) also follows from Theorem 9.10.15(3), which implies that the derivative of
X •Y vanishes since the covariant derivatives vanish. Part (3) follows from parts (1)
and (2) and the definition of angle between vectors. Part (4) is left as an easy exercise.
9.10.17. Theorem. Let S be a surface in R
. A constant speed regular curve h:[a,b]
Æ S is a geodesic according to our first definition of a geodesic if and only if the
tangent vector field h¢(t) is parallel along the curve.
Proof. A constant speed curve h has the property that h¢ and h≤ are orthogonal. In
this case the covariant derivative is just the geodesic curvature.
Theorem 9.10.17 leads to the next definition of a geodesic.
Fourth definition of a geodesic: A geodesic on a surface S in R
is just a regular
curve in S whose tangent vectors form a parallel vector field along the curve.
Note that the new definition is equivalent to the second definition, but since it
applies (by Theorem 9.10.16(1)) only to constant speed curves it is technically not
equivalent to the first and third definitions, which applied to arbitrary regular curves.
Overlooking this technicality, the reader may wonder why one bothers with a defini-
tion of covariant derivative and parallel vector fields when in the end the new defini-
tion of geodesic is basically the same as the one that is phrased in terms of geodesic
curvature. Well, the problem is that although geodesic curvature may seem like a rea-
sonable intuitive geometric concept, as we defined it, it is not an intrinsic invariant