for all t.
Proof. By Theorem 2.4.8, there is a nonsingular 2 ¥ 2 matrix M and a point P,
so that T(Q) = QM + P for all Q. Now all one has to do is use this formula for T to
evaluate both sides of the equation and show that they are equal.
2.4.12. Theorem. Affine transformations of the plane preserve the ratio of division.
Proof. The theorem is an easy consequence of Propositions 2.4.10 and 2.4.11.
2.4.13. Theorem. Affine transformations in the plane multiply area by the absolute
value of their determinant.
Proof. See [Gans69].
Theorem 2.4.13 points out one of the main intuitions one should have about deter-
minants, namely, that they are intrinsically connected with how transformations
expand or shrink area, volume, etc. A precise definition of volume will be given in
Chapter 4.
Definition. The equiaffine or equiareal group is the group of affine transformations
with determinant ±1.
Recall our earlier comments how geometric properties are intimately connected
to certain groups of transformations. Here are three groups, the “metric” groups, and
their associated “metric” properties:
Definition. Affine properties are properties preserved only by affine transformations
(and not by projective transformations, which we will define shortly).
Some affine properties are betweenness, the ratio of division, parallelism, and the
concurrence of lines.
Definition. Two figures F and F¢ are affinely equivalent if there is an affine transfor-
mation T with T(F) = F¢.
Any two segments, angles, triangles, parallelograms, lines, parabolas, ellipses, and
hyperbolas are affinely equivalent. This means that one can use special simple figures
to prove things about general figures!
2.4.14. Example. To prove that the midpoints of all parallel chords of a parabola
X are collinear and lie on a line parallel to the axis. See Figure 2.21(a).