Paper F3: Financial accounting (International)
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The IASB develops new international accounting standards. These are called
International Accounting Standards (IASs) or International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs). An IAS and an IFRS have equal status: both are international
accounting standards.
The ‘new’ name IFRS was introduced when the current IASC structure was
Previously, all standards were issued by a body called the International
Accounting Standards Committee or IASC. The IASC issued International
Accounting Standards or IASs.
In 2001, the IASB took over from the IASC as the body responsible for issuing
international accounting standards. Standards issued by the IASB are IFRSs.
The existing IASs were adopted by the IASB and many have since been
amended. All new international accounting standards will now be an IFRS, but
there will continue to be IASs as well as IFRSs for the foreseeable future.
Each IAS or IFRS has a unique identifying number, such as IAS 7 or IFRS 1.
The Standards Advisory Council
The SAC consists of representatives from different countries. It gives advice to the
IASB on the development of new IFRSs. The IASB consults with the SAC, to obtain
the views and opinions of its members, when new accounting standards or
amendments to existing standards are being considered.
Sometimes, when an accounting standard is issued, there is some uncertainty about
what the regulations actually mean, or how the standard should be applied to
particular transactions. When important questions about interpretation are asked,
the matter is referred to IFRIC.
When uncertainty arises with the meaning of an accounting standard, IFRIC
interprets the rules in an IAS or IFRS, and publishes its official interpretation.
5.3 The role of International Financial Reporting Standards
International Financial Reporting Standards provide rules and guidelines for the
preparation and presentation of financial statements, but they do not cover every
aspect of accounting and every type of business transaction. Where there is no
relevant accounting standard for particular aspects of financial reporting, preparers
of financial statements are expected to apply the general principles and concepts of
accounting that are set out in the IASB Framework.
A role of IFRSs is to encourage business entities in all countries to apply similar
principles, concepts and accounting methods, so that the financial statements of all
companies can be compared. Global accounting standards will help with the
development of international investment, because investors should be able to read