Chapter 8: Provisions and contingencies
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Recognising provisions
IAS 37 states that a provision should only be recognised if the following conditions
are met:
The entity has a present obligation arising out of a past event or transaction.
It is probable that an outflow of economic resources (such as cash payments) will
be required to settle the obligation. ‘Probable’ means more likely than not.
Although the amount of the obligation is uncertain, there is a reliable estimate of
what it will be. This estimate might be based on a range of probable outcomes.
Examples of events or transactions that might result in a provision are:
an obligation to settle a legal dispute, where the legal case has already been lost
but the amount of the settlement has not yet been decided
an obligation to pay clean-up costs for causing environmental damage
an obligation to pay decommissioning costs to take an asset out of service at the
end of its useful life (for example a provision for decommissioning a nuclear
IAS 37 specifically deals with certain situations where provisions may or may not be
A provision cannot be made for future operating losses. There is no present
obligation arising out of past events; therefore a provision cannot be made. If a
company expects to make an operating loss in the next financial year, it cannot
make a provision and take the loss in the current year instead.
A provision can be made for future restructuring costs, when an entity closes
down a part of its business operations, or re-organises its management structure,
or decides to relocate operations to another country or region. However, a
provision may only be made if there is a detailed formal plan for the
restructuring and there is an expectation that the restructuring will take place. If
the reorganisation plan has been agreed but has not been formally announced
and employees have not yet been told, a provision cannot be made.
Measurement of provisions
The amount of a provision should be the best estimate of the amount (before tax)
that will be required to settle the obligation.
If the obligation is for a single transaction or event, the most likely amount of the
obligation should be used.
If there are obligations for many similar transactions, an expected value should
be calculated for the obligations. An example is a provision for future costs that
will be incurred to honour warranty obligations.
A company sells its products under warranty. It promises to bear the costs of
repairing any goods that it has sold, within a 12-month period after the time of sale.
The company has estimated that the average cost of a repair is $150, and that if all