Answers to practice questions
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54 Blake, Mouton and McGregor
McGregor suggested that there were two management styles, Theory X and Theory
Y. Theory X managers were authoritarian leaders, and McGregor suggested that
these individuals focused on the requirements of the job and had little concern for
the concerns of their subordinates. Theory Y managers are much more concerned
about the needs of their employees, and seek to involve them in decision-making.
Blake and Mouton argued that managers need not be either job-focused or people-
focused. They can show high or low concern for the needs of the job and high or low
concern for people. For example, they can show:
high concern for both the job and for people
low concern for both the job and for people
a high concern for the job and lower concern for people
a high concern for people and a lower concern for the job.
In practice, many managers show a medium level of concern for both aspects.
55 Stages
The stages in the recruitment and selection process are as follows, after a job
vacancy has been identified.
Job description. Prepare a job description, setting out details of the job such as
the tasks and responsibilities of the job, its location, the rate of pay for the job
and so on.
Person specification. Prepare a person specification, setting out the
characteristics or personal qualities that the job holder will require in order to do
the job well.
Advertise the job vacancy. The vacancy should be advertised, and applicants
invited to apply. The advertisement may be placed directly in an advertising
medium such as a newspaper, magazine or journal, or it may be advertised
through an external employment agency. Alternatively, the job may be
advertised internally within the organisation, on the intranet web site or in the
organisation’s in-house magazine.
Application form. Applicants should submit their applications on an application
form (or possibly in the form of an application letter). This provides some
information about the applicant, and may be used as a first screening device –
for example to reject applications immediately in cases where the applicant is
clearly not suited to the job.
Selection process. This may take the form of interviews, or tests, or a
combination of interview(s) and test(s).
Selection decision. The preferred applicant is selected. A short-list of acceptable
candidates may be drawn up, in the event that the preferred applicant turns
down the offer.
Offer procedure. The preferred candidate should be offered the job, subject to
satisfactory references. When the job offer has been accepted, unsuccessful
applicants should be notified and thanked for their interest in the vacancy. On