  • формат audio
  • размер 27,44 МБ
  • добавлен 05 апреля 2012 г.
Vietnamese. The Rough Guide Phrasebook / Англо-вьетнамский разговорник. Audio
Издательство: Lexus Ltd
Качество аудио: MP3 / 128кб/сек.
Количество страниц: 257
ISBN 13: 978-1-84353-641-3
ISBN 10: 1-84353-641-2
The Rough Guide Vietnamese phrasebook is a highly practical introduction to the contemporary language. Laid out in clear A-Z style, it uses key-word referencing to lead you straight to the words and phrases you want – so if you need to book a room, just look up ‘room’. The Rough Guide gets straight to the point in every situation, in bars and shops, on trains and buses, and in hotels and banks. The main part of the Rough Guide is a double dictionary: English-Vietnamese then Vietnamese-English. Before that, there’s a section called Basic Phrases and to get you involved in two-way communication, the Rough Guide includes, in this new edition, a set of Scenario dialogues illustrating questions and responses in key situations such as renting a car and asking directions. You can hear these and then download them free from ww.roughguides.com/phrasebooks for use on your computer or MP3 player. Forming the heart of the guide, the English-Vietnamese section gives easy-to-use transliterations of the Vietnamese words wherever pronunciation might be a problem. Throughout this section, cross-references enable you to pinpoint key facts and phrases, while asterisked words indicate where further information can be found in a section at the end of the book called How the Language Works. This section sets out the fundamental rules of the language, with plenty of practical
examples. You’ll also find here other essentials like numbers, dates, telling the time and basic phrases. In the Vietnamese-English dictionary, we’ve given you not just the phrases you’ll
be likely to hear (starting with a selection of slang and colloquialisms) but also many of the signs, labels, instructions and other basic words you may come across in print or in public places.
Near the back of the book too the Rough Guide offers an extensive Menu Reader. Consisting of food and drink sections (each starting with a list of essential terms), it’s indispensable whether you’re eating out, stopping for a quick drink, or browsing through a local food market.