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  • добавлен 18 октября 2012 г.
Veranda 2012 №12
New-York: Veranda Publications Inc., 2012. - 160 с.
Журнал Veranda покажет Вам самые захватывающие интерьеры в мире, а также познакомит с работами ведущих дизайнеров и проектировщиков. Масса полезных советов и готовых проектов для тех, кто занимается строительством собственного дома, ремонтом квартиры.
Veranda Magazine will show you the most spectacular interiors in the world, and become acquainted with the work of leading designers and planners. A lot of useful tips and ready-made designs for those who are engaged in building his own house, apartment renovation.
Veranda is a forum for the very best in living well. Always gracious, and never pretentious, we keep readers abreast of the finest in design, decorating, luxury travel, and more, inspiring them with beauty and elegance. Veranda is both an ideas showcase and a deeply pleasurable escape, a place where homes feel as good as they look.