Eighth Edition. — London: T.Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1923. — 496 pp. —
(The Story of the Nations; 8).
Арминий Вамбери или Герман Бамбергер (венг. Vámbéry Ármin, нем.
Hermann Bamberger; 19 марта 1832, Нидермаркт (Дунасердахей, в
Пресбургском комитате; по другим данным, Сентдьёрдь) — 15 сентября
1913, Будапешт) — венгерский востоковед, путешественник, полиглот.
The Country and the People of Hungary.
Hungary before the Occupation by the Magyars.
The Origin of the Magyars.
The Reign of the Dukes.
The Coversion to Christianity.
St. Stephen, the First King of Hungary.
The Kings of the House of Arpad.
Tha Anjous in Hungary.
John Hunyadi; the Great Champion of Christianity.
King Matthias.
The Period of National Decline, and the Disastrous Battle of Mohacs.
The Turkish World, and the Rise of Protestantism in Hungary.
The Austrian Rule (1526-1780).
The Emperor Joseph II. - The National Reaction and the Napoleonic Wars.
Szechenyi, Kossuth, and the Struggle for Liberty in 1848-1849.
National Rise and Collapse.
The Country and the People of Hungary.
Hungary before the Occupation by the Magyars.
The Origin of the Magyars.
The Reign of the Dukes.
The Coversion to Christianity.
St. Stephen, the First King of Hungary.
The Kings of the House of Arpad.
Tha Anjous in Hungary.
John Hunyadi; the Great Champion of Christianity.
King Matthias.
The Period of National Decline, and the Disastrous Battle of Mohacs.
The Turkish World, and the Rise of Protestantism in Hungary.
The Austrian Rule (1526-1780).
The Emperor Joseph II. - The National Reaction and the Napoleonic Wars.
Szechenyi, Kossuth, and the Struggle for Liberty in 1848-1849.
National Rise and Collapse.