Издательство CRC Press, 2005, -638 pp.
Noise immunity is the main problem in navigational systems. At the present time, there are many books and joual articles devoted to signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems, but many important problems remain to be solved. New approaches and study of complex problems allow us not only to summarize investigations but also to derive a better quality of signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems. In the functioning of many navigational systems, reflections from the Earth’s surface and the rough or rippled sea, hydrometeors (storm clouds, rain, shower, snow, etc.), the ionosphere, clouds of artificial scatterers, etc., play a large role. We can observe these reflections in the detection and tracking of low-flying, surface- or sea-surface-moving targets against the background of highly camouflaged reflections from the underlying surface. In these cases, reflections play the role of passive interference, and there is the need to construct specific methods and techniques for increasing the noise immunity of navigational systems.
There are many navigational systems in which reflections from the Earth’s or sea’s surface and hydrometeors are the information signal and not an interference. Examples are autonomous navigational systems for aircraft with the Doppler analyzer of velocity and drift angle, analyzer of vertical velocity of take-off and landing, height-finding radar; navigational systems with ground surveillance radar, scatter meters in which reflections from the Earth’s surface and rough and rippled sea are used to obtain the detailed information about surface structure and state; storm-waing radar; and weather radar.
This book is devoted to the study of fluctuations of parameters of the target retu signals and signal and image processing problems in navigational systems constructed on the basis of the generalized approach to signal and image processing in noise based on a seemingly abstract idea: the introduction of an additional noise source that does not carry any information about the signal with the purpose of improving the qualitative performances of complex navigational systems. Theoretical and experimental study carried out by the author leads to the conclusion that the proposed generalized approach to signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems allows us to formulate a decision-making rule based on the determination of the jointly sufficient statistics of the likelihood function (or functional) mean and variance . The use of classical and mode signal and image processing approaches in navigational systems allows us to define only the sufficient statistic of the likelihood function (or functional) mean.
The presence of additional information about the statistical characteristics of the likelihood function (or functional) leads to better qualitative performances of signal and image processing in navigational systems compared to the optimal signal and image processing algorithms of classical and mode theories. The generalized approach to signal and image processing in navigational systems allows us to extend the well-known boundaries of the potential noise immunity set up by classical and mode signal and image processing theories. The use of complex navigational systems based on the generalized approach allows us to obtain better detection performances and definition of object coordinates with high accuracy, in particular, in comparison with navigational systems constructed on the basis of optimal and asymptotic optimal signal and image processing algorithms of classical and mode theories.
To understand better the fundamental statements and concepts of the generalized approach, the reader is invited to consult my earlier books: Signal Processing in Noise: A New Methodology (IEC, Minsk, 1998), Signal Detection Theory (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001), and Signal Processing Noise (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002).
Part I Theory of Fluctuating Target Retu Signals in Navigational Systems.
Probability Distribution Density of the Amplitude and Phase of the Target Retu Signal.
Correlation Function of Target Retu Signal Fluctuations.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Three-Dimensional (Space) Target with the Moving Radar.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Two- Dimensional (Surface) Target by the Moving Radar.
Fluctuations Caused by Radar Antenna Scanning.
Fluctuations Caused by the Moving Radar with Simultaneous Radar Antenna Scanning.
Fluctuations Caused by Scatterers Moving under the Stimulus of the Wind.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Two-Dimensional (Surface) Target with the Continuous Frequency-Modulated Signal.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Three-Dimensional (Space) Target by the Continuous Signal with a Frequency that Varies with Time.
Fluctuations Caused by Variations in Frequency from Pulse to Pulse.
Part II Generalized Approach to Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Foundations of the Generalized Approach to Signal Processing in Noise.
Theory of Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Implementation Methods of the Generalized Approach to Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Object Image Preprocessing.
Classification of Stochastic Processes.
The Power Spectral Density of the Target Retu Signal with Arbitrary Velocity Vector Direction of the Moving Radar in Space and with the Presence of Roll and Pitch Angles.
Noise immunity is the main problem in navigational systems. At the present time, there are many books and joual articles devoted to signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems, but many important problems remain to be solved. New approaches and study of complex problems allow us not only to summarize investigations but also to derive a better quality of signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems. In the functioning of many navigational systems, reflections from the Earth’s surface and the rough or rippled sea, hydrometeors (storm clouds, rain, shower, snow, etc.), the ionosphere, clouds of artificial scatterers, etc., play a large role. We can observe these reflections in the detection and tracking of low-flying, surface- or sea-surface-moving targets against the background of highly camouflaged reflections from the underlying surface. In these cases, reflections play the role of passive interference, and there is the need to construct specific methods and techniques for increasing the noise immunity of navigational systems.
There are many navigational systems in which reflections from the Earth’s or sea’s surface and hydrometeors are the information signal and not an interference. Examples are autonomous navigational systems for aircraft with the Doppler analyzer of velocity and drift angle, analyzer of vertical velocity of take-off and landing, height-finding radar; navigational systems with ground surveillance radar, scatter meters in which reflections from the Earth’s surface and rough and rippled sea are used to obtain the detailed information about surface structure and state; storm-waing radar; and weather radar.
This book is devoted to the study of fluctuations of parameters of the target retu signals and signal and image processing problems in navigational systems constructed on the basis of the generalized approach to signal and image processing in noise based on a seemingly abstract idea: the introduction of an additional noise source that does not carry any information about the signal with the purpose of improving the qualitative performances of complex navigational systems. Theoretical and experimental study carried out by the author leads to the conclusion that the proposed generalized approach to signal and image processing in noise in navigational systems allows us to formulate a decision-making rule based on the determination of the jointly sufficient statistics of the likelihood function (or functional) mean and variance . The use of classical and mode signal and image processing approaches in navigational systems allows us to define only the sufficient statistic of the likelihood function (or functional) mean.
The presence of additional information about the statistical characteristics of the likelihood function (or functional) leads to better qualitative performances of signal and image processing in navigational systems compared to the optimal signal and image processing algorithms of classical and mode theories. The generalized approach to signal and image processing in navigational systems allows us to extend the well-known boundaries of the potential noise immunity set up by classical and mode signal and image processing theories. The use of complex navigational systems based on the generalized approach allows us to obtain better detection performances and definition of object coordinates with high accuracy, in particular, in comparison with navigational systems constructed on the basis of optimal and asymptotic optimal signal and image processing algorithms of classical and mode theories.
To understand better the fundamental statements and concepts of the generalized approach, the reader is invited to consult my earlier books: Signal Processing in Noise: A New Methodology (IEC, Minsk, 1998), Signal Detection Theory (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001), and Signal Processing Noise (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002).
Part I Theory of Fluctuating Target Retu Signals in Navigational Systems.
Probability Distribution Density of the Amplitude and Phase of the Target Retu Signal.
Correlation Function of Target Retu Signal Fluctuations.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Three-Dimensional (Space) Target with the Moving Radar.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Two- Dimensional (Surface) Target by the Moving Radar.
Fluctuations Caused by Radar Antenna Scanning.
Fluctuations Caused by the Moving Radar with Simultaneous Radar Antenna Scanning.
Fluctuations Caused by Scatterers Moving under the Stimulus of the Wind.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Two-Dimensional (Surface) Target with the Continuous Frequency-Modulated Signal.
Fluctuations under Scanning of the Three-Dimensional (Space) Target by the Continuous Signal with a Frequency that Varies with Time.
Fluctuations Caused by Variations in Frequency from Pulse to Pulse.
Part II Generalized Approach to Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Foundations of the Generalized Approach to Signal Processing in Noise.
Theory of Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Implementation Methods of the Generalized Approach to Space–Time Signal and Image Processing in Navigational Systems.
Object Image Preprocessing.
Classification of Stochastic Processes.
The Power Spectral Density of the Target Retu Signal with Arbitrary Velocity Vector Direction of the Moving Radar in Space and with the Presence of Roll and Pitch Angles.