Amherst Media, Inc., 2010. — 129 p.
Руководство по фотосъемке Бар- и Бат-мицвы - публичного
празднования достижения еврейским мальчиком или девочкой
совершеннолетия, согласно законам иудаизма.
Highlighting two of the most recognized and attended Jewish
occasions, this exploration details all of the vital elements for
bar and bat mitzvah photographers. From the synagogue and party to
the family portraits, this meticulous study covers the best
lighting and posing techniques for the most important shots of the
day, providing the background photographers need to beautifully
document each event. In addition to the photographic aspect, this
exhaustive overview also features marketing guidelines, outlining
where to advertise, what packages sell best, and how to identify
and communicate with key contacts in the field. A section of
frequently asked questions as well as a glossary of Jewish words
and terms are also included.