Тренажерный центр ГМА им. адмирала Макарова, 2000. 235 с. Основные принципы организации ГМССБ. Радиотелефония в ГМССБ. Связь в случае бедствия и обеспечения безопасности. Система ЦИВ. Спутниковая система INMARSAT. УБПЧ связь. Использование справочников МСЭ. English for GMDSS students.
The English Book Store. 1964. 501c. Position and direction of the Earth's Surface. Admiralty charts and publications. The Ship's position and track. Fixing by Observation of Terrestrial Objects. Navigation in Pilotage Waters. Radio aids to Navigation. Navigational instruments. Tides and Tidal streams. Navigation in ice. Graphical problems. Rules of the road.
103 c. Adopted by the 22nd Assembly in November 2001 as resolution A.918(22) IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases. The resolution adopts the Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) and recommends a wide circulation to all prospective users and all maritime education authorities. The IMO SMCP replace the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary (SMNV) adopted by IMO in 1977 (and amended in 1985). The SMNV was developed for use by seafare...