Toyota Motor Corporation
Педагогический Университет, Комсомольск-на-амуре, к.ф.н. Кузнецова
В.В., 4-й курс, 2014 г. — 10 слайдов
дисциплина - деловой английский язык
Principal headquarters building of Toyota
First passenger car - the Toyota AA
the name "Toyoda" (トヨダ)
Toyota establish new brands at the end of the 1980s
Full-sized pickup - 1993 Toyota T100
Toyota is the 14th largest company in the world by revenue
Corolla is one of the most popular and best selling cars in the world
First passenger car - the Toyota AA
the name "Toyoda" (トヨダ)
Toyota establish new brands at the end of the 1980s
Full-sized pickup - 1993 Toyota T100
Toyota is the 14th largest company in the world by revenue
Corolla is one of the most popular and best selling cars in the world