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  • добавлен 25 сентября 2011 г.
Thu Ph. Minh. Energy and Geopolitics American power projection toward Kazakhstan
Amsterdam, June 2010
Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the U.S. has proactively projected power
outside its own territory. As an energy - import dependent state, the U.S. has diversified its
energy supply, not only focusing on the Persian Gulf, but also on Central Eurasia (CEA). Unlike
other regional countries, Kazakhstan holds its own strategic traits. Consequently, among the
Central Eurasian countries, Kazakhstan emerges as a vital base for American power projection.
This thesis aims to examine the geopolitical and geoeconomic reasons why Kazakhstan is
of great importance to the U.S., to study how the U.S. has conducted its foreign policies in
Kazakhstan, and to investigate competitors, who have unceasingly been penetrating the lucrative
energy market of Kazakhstan.
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