New York: Columbia University Press, 1934. – XXVI+829 p.
Линн Торндайк (1882-1965) – известнейший историк средневековой
науки. В третьем томе своего фундаментального исследования «История
магии и экспериментальной науки» Торндайк рассматривает развитие
алхимии, астрологии и прочих протонаучных практик XIV века.
The Outlook at the Opening of the Fourteenth Century
John XXII and the Occult Arts
Alchemy of the Later Middle Ages
Alchemical Works Ascribed to Aald of Villanova
John Dastin, Alchemist
Perscrutator: a Self-confident Scientist
Exafrenon and Icocedron
Weather Records: William Merlee and Evno of Wurzburg
The Precious New Pearl of Petrus Bonus Lombardus of Ferrara
The Speculum alchimiae of Nicolaus de Comitibus
Ortolanus and His Influence
Andalo di Negro and Profatius Judaeus
Paolo d'Abbaco Dagomari: Arithmetic and NaturaL Secrets
Petrarch and Some Friars
Augustine of Trent: or, a Pest Tractate, Before the Black Death
Gentile da Foligno and Fourteenth Century Medicine
John of Saxony and John de Lineriis
Firminus de Bellavalle: the Pope and the Calendar
Geoffrey of Meaux : Astrology and Medicine
John de Murs and the Conjunction of 1345
John of Eschenden: Specialist in Conjunctions
John of Rupescissa: Chemist and Prophet
Calculator and the Rise of Mathematical Physics
John de Dondis and Scientific Measurement
Oresme on Astrology
Oresme on Magic and Fascination
Oresme on Marvels of Nature
Henry of Hesse
Other Opponents of the Occult
Guy de Chauliac and His Contemporaries
Works on Poisons
Encyclopedias of the Fourteenth Century
An Anonymous Treatise in Six Books on Metaphysics and natural Philosophy
Astrology of the Later Fourteenth Century
Antonius de Monte Ulmi: Astrological Necromancer and Magician
The Alchemical Correspondence of Thomas of Bologna and Beard of Treves
Other Alchemy of the Later Fourteenth Century
John XXII and the Occult Arts
Alchemy of the Later Middle Ages
Alchemical Works Ascribed to Aald of Villanova
John Dastin, Alchemist
Perscrutator: a Self-confident Scientist
Exafrenon and Icocedron
Weather Records: William Merlee and Evno of Wurzburg
The Precious New Pearl of Petrus Bonus Lombardus of Ferrara
The Speculum alchimiae of Nicolaus de Comitibus
Ortolanus and His Influence
Andalo di Negro and Profatius Judaeus
Paolo d'Abbaco Dagomari: Arithmetic and NaturaL Secrets
Petrarch and Some Friars
Augustine of Trent: or, a Pest Tractate, Before the Black Death
Gentile da Foligno and Fourteenth Century Medicine
John of Saxony and John de Lineriis
Firminus de Bellavalle: the Pope and the Calendar
Geoffrey of Meaux : Astrology and Medicine
John de Murs and the Conjunction of 1345
John of Eschenden: Specialist in Conjunctions
John of Rupescissa: Chemist and Prophet
Calculator and the Rise of Mathematical Physics
John de Dondis and Scientific Measurement
Oresme on Astrology
Oresme on Magic and Fascination
Oresme on Marvels of Nature
Henry of Hesse
Other Opponents of the Occult
Guy de Chauliac and His Contemporaries
Works on Poisons
Encyclopedias of the Fourteenth Century
An Anonymous Treatise in Six Books on Metaphysics and natural Philosophy
Astrology of the Later Fourteenth Century
Antonius de Monte Ulmi: Astrological Necromancer and Magician
The Alchemical Correspondence of Thomas of Bologna and Beard of Treves
Other Alchemy of the Later Fourteenth Century