Fox Chapel Publishing. 2003. — 67 p. — ISBN 978-1-56523-188-7.
Книга для столяров, любителей выпиливания и энтузиастов всего, что
связано с шахматами. В книге даны инструкции и технологии создания
шахмат и других 3D-фигур из дерева методом двустороннего
выпиливания прямоугольного бруска. Чертежи для всех моделей.
Designed for serious woodworkers, weekend crafters, and chess enthusiasts, this collection of nine different chess designs includes traditional designs of kings, rooks, and pawns as well as butterfly-themed and tool-themed designs. Using the popular compound cutting technique (3D scroll saw ), woodworkers can create dramatic three-dimensional pieces by wrapping the pattes provided around a block of wood and cutting both sides. Layout pattes, starting cuts, finishing techniques, and an overview of various kinds of wood are accompanied by full-color photographs of each playing piece. Also included is a patte for creating a beautiful inlay playing board.
Designed for serious woodworkers, weekend crafters, and chess enthusiasts, this collection of nine different chess designs includes traditional designs of kings, rooks, and pawns as well as butterfly-themed and tool-themed designs. Using the popular compound cutting technique (3D scroll saw ), woodworkers can create dramatic three-dimensional pieces by wrapping the pattes provided around a block of wood and cutting both sides. Layout pattes, starting cuts, finishing techniques, and an overview of various kinds of wood are accompanied by full-color photographs of each playing piece. Also included is a patte for creating a beautiful inlay playing board.