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  • добавлен 08 июля 2015 г.
Теоретическая фонетика английского языка
Без выходных данных. 30 вопросов.
Phonetics as a linguistic science. Branches of phonetics. Phonetics and phonology
Articulatory classification of speech sounds
The phoneme as a linguistic unit. Its definition and functions
Manifestation of phonemes in speech. Phoneme and allophone
Methods of the identification of phonemes in a language
The distinctive and non-distinctive features of English vowels
The distinctive and non-distinctive features of English consonants
Problems of the phonemic inventory of English vowels
Problems of the phonemic inventory of English consonants
Types of phonetic transcription
The syllable as a phonetic, phonological unit. The functions of the syllable. Structural peculiarities of the English syllable
Theories of syllable formation and syllable division
The emergence of a pronunciation standard. Received Pronunciation (RP). Present-day situation
National and regional variants of English pronunciation
American English pronunciation. Peculiarities of General American pronunciation compared to British English
The syllable as a prosodic unit. Word stress, its nature and functions. Linguistically relevant types of word stress
The accentual tendencies in English. Basic word stress pattes in English
Speech prosody. Its perceptible qualities and acoustic properties
Prosody and intonation. Utterance prosody and its linguistic functions
The components (subsystems) of utterance prosody and units of its analysis
The tonal (pitch) subsystem of utterance prosody. Units of its analysis. Tones and tonal contours
The structure of a prosodic contour (intonation group) in English. The functions of its elements
Basic types of prosodic contours in English
Utterance stress in English, its phonetic nature and function. The relationship between utterance stress and word stress in English
Types of utterance stress. Factors conditioning the location of utterance stress
Speech rhythm and utterance stress
The basic unit of the rhythmic organization of speech and the problem of its phonetic delimitation in an utterance
The phonetic nature and types of speech rhythm in different languages.
Speech tempo and pausation
The notion of speech style. Phonetic style-forming means in English