30 экзаменационных тем для студентов 5-го курса. МГЛУ, Минск, 2016
Moral values of the society you live in.
Challenges and rewards of volunteer work.
The role of charity in moral re-armament.
Who uses drugs and why?
New approaches to combating drug abuse.
Mode newspapers: leaders and followers.
Gender equality: myth or reality?
Children and TV.
Is TV destroying our society.
The role of mass media in our lives.
Moral values of the society you live in.
Challenges and rewards of volunteer work.
The role of charity in moral re-armament.
Who uses drugs and why?
New approaches to combating drug abuse.
Mode newspapers: leaders and followers.
Gender equality: myth or reality?
Children and TV.
Is TV destroying our society.
The role of mass media in our lives.