(Тайлор Сьюзен, Бигл Сьюзен, Ричардсон Коллин, Левел Джеймс, Волш
Марианна. Скорость растворения энергетических материалов из
нитроцеллюлозной пороховой матрицы).
Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
2012. – 131 р.
During firing, propellant residues are scattered onto the soil
surface where their energetic compounds can be dissolved by
precipitation. The residues, like the unfired propellants, are
composed of nitrocellulose imbibed with either 2,4-DNT
(single-base), nitroglycerin (NG) (doublebase) or NG and
nitroguanidine (NQ) (triple-base). Although nitrocellulose is
insoluble, 2,4-DNT, NG, and NQ are soluble; and 2,4-DNT and NG are
also toxic. Consequently, data on how quickly 2,4-DNT, NG, and NQ
are dissolved from propellant residues are needed to determine the
flux of these compounds to soil.