Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 295 pp.
Книга известного кристаллографа, профессора Токийского университета, посвященная
теории роста и морфологии кристаллов. Будет полезна студентам, аспирантам и
специалистам в области кристаллографии, минералогии и материаловедения.
Fundamental concepts
Crystal forms
Crystal growth
Factors determining the morphology of polyhedral crystals
Surface microtopography of crystal faces
Perfection and homogeneity of single crystals
Regular intergrowthof crystals
Forms and textures of polycrystalline aggregates
Application to complicated and complex systems
Rock-crystal (quartz)
Pyrite and calcite
Minerals formed by vapor growth
Crystals formed by metasomatism and metamorphism
Crystals formed through biological activity
Книга известного кристаллографа, профессора Токийского университета, посвященная
теории роста и морфологии кристаллов. Будет полезна студентам, аспирантам и
специалистам в области кристаллографии, минералогии и материаловедения.
Fundamental concepts
Crystal forms
Crystal growth
Factors determining the morphology of polyhedral crystals
Surface microtopography of crystal faces
Perfection and homogeneity of single crystals
Regular intergrowthof crystals
Forms and textures of polycrystalline aggregates
Application to complicated and complex systems
Rock-crystal (quartz)
Pyrite and calcite
Minerals formed by vapor growth
Crystals formed by metasomatism and metamorphism
Crystals formed through biological activity