Number of headwords / entries: 5,012 / 5,012.
Пять тысяч слов, необходимых для прохождения теста по грамотности и
письму, включенного в SAT.
В архиве, кроме скомпилированного LSD файла словаря (для Lingvo
x5), находятся исходные файлы (*.dsl, *.ann, *.bmp), которые можно
подключить к GoldenDict или использовать для компиляции в более
ранних версиях Lingvo.
The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions
in the United States. The SAT is typically taken by high school
sophomores, juniors and seniors. The College Board states that SAT
measures literacy and writing skills that are needed for academic
success in college. The Critical Reading section of the SAT tests
the student's vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure
and organization by requiring the student to select one or two
words that best complete a given sentence.
StudyMode is a Los Angeles-based, self-funded company that owns and
operates a network of educational websites and apps. SAT vocabulary
is one of their products consisting of five thousand words
explained in simple English. These words are to be used for working
at The Critical Reading section of the SAT tests.