(Страковский Леонид, Коэн Артур, Фифер Роберт, Бейер Ричард, Форш
Брэд. Лазерное зажигание порохов и взрывчатых веществ)
Report. - Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: U.S. Army Research
Laboratory. 1998. – 81 р.
Laser and radiative ignition of 24 solid propellants and explosives
was analyzed. The effect of ignition criterion used to calculate
ignition delays from models was evaluated. Values for the optical
parameters reflection, Rlambda and absorption, klambda coefficients
at wavelengths 0.36-1,1.06 and 10.6 mn were summarized. Effects of
in-depth absorption and vaporization were considered.
Methods for determining the relation of ignition delays for conductive heating (Rx = 1, kA = infinity) and radiative heating at various wavelengths are presented. Methods for deriving kinetic parameters for the ignition and vaporization mechanisms for RDX-based materials were developed. Changes in the ignition mechanism at high radiative flux levels are discussed. A summary of the minimum flux levels needed for ignition and the Arrhenius kinetic parameters determined from ignition delay measurements with several energetic materials is presented.
Methods for determining the relation of ignition delays for conductive heating (Rx = 1, kA = infinity) and radiative heating at various wavelengths are presented. Methods for deriving kinetic parameters for the ignition and vaporization mechanisms for RDX-based materials were developed. Changes in the ignition mechanism at high radiative flux levels are discussed. A summary of the minimum flux levels needed for ignition and the Arrhenius kinetic parameters determined from ignition delay measurements with several energetic materials is presented.