Springer, 1997. — 217 p. — (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences — vol.
От лица современной изотопной геохимии эта книга отправляет
читателя через полный цикл выветривания с континента в океан. This
book takes the reader through the complete weathering cycle, from
the continents to the oceans, from the perspective of mode
radiogenic isotope geochemistry. Topics include surface weathering,
fluvial processes, environmental pollution, oceanography and
paleoceanography, sedimentary mineral diagenesis and radiometric
dating, thus bridging the gap between processes acting on the Earth
today and the geological record. Extensive use is made of carefully
selected case studies, both pioneering and state-of-the-art. This
book enables the reader to critically assess previous work from the
literature as well as encouraging already established researchers
to apply the most mode isotopic approaches to their particular
field of study.