Ulrich Walter Stiehl, Heidelberg, 2004. — 551 p.
Обратный словарь санскрита - санскритские слова в транслитерации и
без перевода упорядочены по окончаниям.
The purpose of this file is to search for Sanskrit words ending
with a certain word or ending
For instance, if you want to know all compound words ending with .yoga, search for yoga#
If you want to find all nouns declined like rÀjan, i.e. the nouns ending in .an, search for an#
The meaning of the words found in this way must be looked up in the ordinary dictionaries,
e.g. in "Böhtlingk, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch", or in "Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary", etc.
For instance, if you want to know all compound words ending with .yoga, search for yoga#
If you want to find all nouns declined like rÀjan, i.e. the nouns ending in .an, search for an#
The meaning of the words found in this way must be looked up in the ordinary dictionaries,
e.g. in "Böhtlingk, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch", or in "Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary", etc.