(Стюард Брайан Дж. Характеристика и параметры выстрела и дульного
пламени артиллерийского орудия большого калибра. Диссертация
доктора философии).
Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation. Air force institute of
technology. 2011. – 254 p.
Muzzle blast and flash signatures are an important source of
battlefield information because they can reveal the location of
weapons fire. While this has been performed by the human eye since
the advent of guns, detection of weapon signatures has recently
become more technologically sophisticated, and the content of
firing signatures can reveal far more information than just the
gun’s location. Prior to this work, several aspects of gun firing
signatures were largely uncharacterized. The results of this
research include a description of blast properties and visible
through infrared spectral emissions of a large caliber gun, and a
demonstration of their potential for battlespace classification.
Reduction of Optically Observed Artillery Blast Wave Trajectories using.
Optical Characterization of Large Caliber Muzzle Blast Waves.
Visible and Near-Infrared Spectra of the Secondary Combustion of a 152 mm Howitzer.
Modeling Midwave Infrared Muzzle Flash Spectra from Unsuppressed.
Reduction of Optically Observed Artillery Blast Wave Trajectories using.
Optical Characterization of Large Caliber Muzzle Blast Waves.
Visible and Near-Infrared Spectra of the Secondary Combustion of a 152 mm Howitzer.
Modeling Midwave Infrared Muzzle Flash Spectra from Unsuppressed.