Издательство: Arcturus foulsham
Год издания: 2005
Страниц: 208
Язык: Английский
Drawing, just like writing or speech, is a form of communication, and in the same way as these other forms of communication drawing can be multi-faceted, and very diverse as a means of expression of our observations,
thoughts and feelings. Across the broad ?eld of art and design, artists and designers will use drawing as a speci?c tool for visual communication, and at the same time use a wide spectrum of drawing techniques to express, develop, and present their ideas and work to the viewer for what ever reason.
Therefore, it is impossible to make a drawing unless the artist has a clear understanding of the type of drawing that is to be created, and the visual language that is to be used which will give form and expressive dynamics to the drawing. This is often forgotten or misunderstood by most teachers of drawing.
Выполнив все процедуры, предложенные в книжке, вы получите базисное познание техники рисунка. Вы усвоите, какие материалы применяются для рисунка, когда и как использовать какой-нибудь инструмент. Но сначала вы получите ясное понятие про то, что набросок - это отражение ваших дум, ваших мыслей и вашей взаимосвязи с миром вокруг нас.
Год издания: 2005
Страниц: 208
Язык: Английский
Drawing, just like writing or speech, is a form of communication, and in the same way as these other forms of communication drawing can be multi-faceted, and very diverse as a means of expression of our observations,
thoughts and feelings. Across the broad ?eld of art and design, artists and designers will use drawing as a speci?c tool for visual communication, and at the same time use a wide spectrum of drawing techniques to express, develop, and present their ideas and work to the viewer for what ever reason.
Therefore, it is impossible to make a drawing unless the artist has a clear understanding of the type of drawing that is to be created, and the visual language that is to be used which will give form and expressive dynamics to the drawing. This is often forgotten or misunderstood by most teachers of drawing.
Выполнив все процедуры, предложенные в книжке, вы получите базисное познание техники рисунка. Вы усвоите, какие материалы применяются для рисунка, когда и как использовать какой-нибудь инструмент. Но сначала вы получите ясное понятие про то, что набросок - это отражение ваших дум, ваших мыслей и вашей взаимосвязи с миром вокруг нас.