Внешнебаллистическая модель траектории полета снаряда (ракеты) с
пятью степенями свободы. Третья редакция.
Соглашение по стандартизации стран НАТО. СТАНАГ 4355, третья редакция. На английском языке. -Брюссель.: Военное агентство НАТО по стандартизации. 2009, -95 с. The principal aim of this agreement is to standardize the exterior ballistic trajectory simulation methodology for NATO Naval and Army Forces. The Modified Point Mass model will be used for spin-stabilized projectiles and the Five Degrees of Freedom model will be used for fin-stabilized rockets. This will facilitate the exchange of exterior ballistic data and fire control information. Contents:
Equations of motion.
Equations of motion for spin-stabilized projectiles.
Equations of motion for fin-stabilized rockets.
Common equations of motion.
List of symbols.
Comparison of aerodynamic coefficient symbols.
List of data requirements.
Соглашение по стандартизации стран НАТО. СТАНАГ 4355, третья редакция. На английском языке. -Брюссель.: Военное агентство НАТО по стандартизации. 2009, -95 с. The principal aim of this agreement is to standardize the exterior ballistic trajectory simulation methodology for NATO Naval and Army Forces. The Modified Point Mass model will be used for spin-stabilized projectiles and the Five Degrees of Freedom model will be used for fin-stabilized rockets. This will facilitate the exchange of exterior ballistic data and fire control information. Contents:
Equations of motion.
Equations of motion for spin-stabilized projectiles.
Equations of motion for fin-stabilized rockets.
Common equations of motion.
List of symbols.
Comparison of aerodynamic coefficient symbols.
List of data requirements.