Sixth Edition/ State University of New York, College of
Environmental Science & Forestry. - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963.
- 330 р. (неполностью)
The authors welcome this opportunity to include new material, discard the old, and improve the presentation. Overall, the following major items are noteworthy:
The continuing advances in NMR spectrometry are acknowledged by major revisions in three NMR chapters and by the addition of a fourth NMR chapter entitled "Spectrometry of Other Important Nuclei. "
Spectra have been upgraded throughout—the NMR spectra in particular; almost all were run at 300 or 500 MHz (75.5 and 126.0 MHz for 13C), and the XH peaks have been expanded as insets.
An overall List of Spectra has been added to the Contents. Detailed explanations have been added to the more complicated tables and charts throughout. The thorough Index provides accessibility; acronyms are included. New end-of-chapter problems have been added.
As a consequence of the advances in NMR, UV spectrometry has been further marginalized for our purposes, and the UV chapter has been dropped—a difficult decision (nostalgia perhaps) because UV spectrometry is widely used for other purposes. Students should understand the relationship between absorption of visible-UV frequencies and molecular structure. But such general understanding is presented in most first-year organic texts. We cannot justify 26 pages of text and tables to describe a technique that is outmoded for structure elucidation and, in practice, virtually abandoned except for special situations. Mass Spectrometry
Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Infrared Spectroscopy
Этих глав в книге нет (страницы 120- 330(? ) )
13C NMR Spectrometry
Spectrometry of Other Important Nuclei
Solved Problems
Assigned Problems
Correlation NMR Spectrometry
The authors welcome this opportunity to include new material, discard the old, and improve the presentation. Overall, the following major items are noteworthy:
The continuing advances in NMR spectrometry are acknowledged by major revisions in three NMR chapters and by the addition of a fourth NMR chapter entitled "Spectrometry of Other Important Nuclei. "
Spectra have been upgraded throughout—the NMR spectra in particular; almost all were run at 300 or 500 MHz (75.5 and 126.0 MHz for 13C), and the XH peaks have been expanded as insets.
An overall List of Spectra has been added to the Contents. Detailed explanations have been added to the more complicated tables and charts throughout. The thorough Index provides accessibility; acronyms are included. New end-of-chapter problems have been added.
As a consequence of the advances in NMR, UV spectrometry has been further marginalized for our purposes, and the UV chapter has been dropped—a difficult decision (nostalgia perhaps) because UV spectrometry is widely used for other purposes. Students should understand the relationship between absorption of visible-UV frequencies and molecular structure. But such general understanding is presented in most first-year organic texts. We cannot justify 26 pages of text and tables to describe a technique that is outmoded for structure elucidation and, in practice, virtually abandoned except for special situations. Mass Spectrometry
Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Infrared Spectroscopy
Этих глав в книге нет (страницы 120- 330(? ) )
13C NMR Spectrometry
Spectrometry of Other Important Nuclei
Solved Problems
Assigned Problems
Correlation NMR Spectrometry