Журналы для фотографов
  • формат pdf
  • размер 101,84 МБ
  • добавлен 28 ноября 2012 г.
Shutterbug Special Digital Photography How-to Guide 2012
Source Interlink Magazines, 2012. - 100 pages. На англ. языке. Ежегодный спецвыпуск журнала Shutterbug, посвященный всем сторонам и современному состоянию цифровой фотографии.
Shutterbug is the leading photo and imaging magazine for advanced amateur and professional photographers, and all who relate to their photography as a meaningful part of their lives. Inside every monthly issue you'll get lighting pointers, pro studio tips, test reports, equipment reviews. and much more! Written by photographers, for photographers, Shutterbug is dedicated to helping photographers enhance their creative potential