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  • добавлен 23 февраля 2013 г.
Шпоры по Теоретической Грамматике
Зачет. МАИ ИИЯ - преподаватель Мельдианова Анна Валерьевна - 2013 год
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The definition of language. The distinction between language and speech.
Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of bilateral lingual units (two-sided).
Segmental and supra-segmental units. The levels of lingual units.
Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between lingual units.
The three basic subsystems of the language.
The plane of content and the plane of expression. Synonymy and polysemy in grammar.
The notions of diachrony and synchrony in grammar.
The definition of the morpheme. The word and the morpheme.
Traditional classification of morphemes. The allo-emic theory.
Other classification of morphemes.
Grammatical category. Grammatical meaning. Grammatical form.
The theory of oppositions. Types of opposition in morphology.
The notion of a part of speech. Criteria for differentiating the classes of words. The traditional classification of parts of speech.
The syntactico-distributional classification of words (Ch. Fries).
The field approach in the classification of parts of speech.
The categorial meaning. Formal characteristics of the noun. Syntactic functions of the noun.
The noun as an attribute. The cannon ball problem.
The grammatical peculiarities of different groups of nouns.
The category of gender in English.
The problem of the category of case in English.
The category of number.
The category of article determination.
Time and tense in English.
Verb: non-finite forms (verbals).