К-ПНУ ім. І. Огієнка, Кам'янець-Подільський, Україна, 2016, 42
Напрям підготовки - Філологія. Мова та література (англійська).
Дисципліна - Теоретична фонетика англійської мови. У файлі наявні відповіді до наступних питань:
The subject matter of phonetics
The phonetic system of the language
The importance of studying phonetics for the Foreign Language departments students
Connection of phonetics with other sciences
Branches of phonetics
Theoretical and practical significance of phonetics
Phonetics and phonology
Speech sound and phonemes
Main trends in phoneme theory
Methods of phonological analysis
Variants of phonemes or allophones
Aspects and functions of the phoneme
Classification of the English phonemes
Vowels and consonants phonemes
Problems of classification of English phonemes
articulatory classification of English vowel
English phonemes in writing
Modification of English phoneme in connected speech
The modifications of vowels in a speech chain are traced in the following directions: quantitative and qualitative
The structure of syllables in English
Functions of the syllable
Types of syllables in English
The syllable formation theories
Phonotactic constraints in English
Basic rules of syllabification in English
The nature of the English word stress
Types of word stress
Word stress tendencies
Word stress functions
Stress pattes of English words
Basic rules of accentuation
Structure of intonation
Intonation functions
English rhythm
Sentence stress
Phonological aspect of intonation
Phonostylistics as a branch of linguistics
Functional stylistics and dialectology
Spread of English
Phonetic functional styles
Phonetic informational style
Phonetic academic style
Phonetic declamatory style
Phonetic publicistic style
Phonetic conversational style
Style-forming and style-differentiating factors
The English-based and the American-based accents of the English language
RP and GA as national standard norms of pronunciation
Differences between RP and GA system of consonants phonemes
Differences between RP and GA system of vowels phonemes
Major differences of word stress in RP and GA
The major differences of intonation pattes in RP and GA
Напрям підготовки - Філологія. Мова та література (англійська).
Дисципліна - Теоретична фонетика англійської мови. У файлі наявні відповіді до наступних питань:
The subject matter of phonetics
The phonetic system of the language
The importance of studying phonetics for the Foreign Language departments students
Connection of phonetics with other sciences
Branches of phonetics
Theoretical and practical significance of phonetics
Phonetics and phonology
Speech sound and phonemes
Main trends in phoneme theory
Methods of phonological analysis
Variants of phonemes or allophones
Aspects and functions of the phoneme
Classification of the English phonemes
Vowels and consonants phonemes
Problems of classification of English phonemes
articulatory classification of English vowel
English phonemes in writing
Modification of English phoneme in connected speech
The modifications of vowels in a speech chain are traced in the following directions: quantitative and qualitative
The structure of syllables in English
Functions of the syllable
Types of syllables in English
The syllable formation theories
Phonotactic constraints in English
Basic rules of syllabification in English
The nature of the English word stress
Types of word stress
Word stress tendencies
Word stress functions
Stress pattes of English words
Basic rules of accentuation
Structure of intonation
Intonation functions
English rhythm
Sentence stress
Phonological aspect of intonation
Phonostylistics as a branch of linguistics
Functional stylistics and dialectology
Spread of English
Phonetic functional styles
Phonetic informational style
Phonetic academic style
Phonetic declamatory style
Phonetic publicistic style
Phonetic conversational style
Style-forming and style-differentiating factors
The English-based and the American-based accents of the English language
RP and GA as national standard norms of pronunciation
Differences between RP and GA system of consonants phonemes
Differences between RP and GA system of vowels phonemes
Major differences of word stress in RP and GA
The major differences of intonation pattes in RP and GA