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  • добавлен 29 октября 2015 г.
Шпаргалки по теоретической грамматикe английского языка
Мглу 2015.
The sentence. The structural classification. The simple sentence.
Communicative types of sentences.
The subject. Ways of expressing the subject.
The subjects “IT” And “THERE”.
The noun. Semantic classification.
The category of number. Irregular plurals. .
Singular and plural invariable nouns.
Agreement with the simple subject. Pronouns as subjects.
Agreement of the predicate with phrasal and homogeneous subjects.
The case of noun. The use of the genitive case.
The use of articles with material nouns.
The use of articles with abstract nouns.
The use of articles with names of persons.
Syntactic application of the article.
The use of articles with place names.
The object.
The predicate verb complementation.
Predicative complexes that function as objects only.
The predicate. Ditransitive and copular.
Objective constructions with non-verbals.