Pages: 224.
Publisher: New Age Inteational (P) Ltd. (2003).
Editor: Shetty Nandini (ed.)
ISBN-10: 8122406408.
ISBN-13: 978-8122406405.
As textbooks and jouals of immunology grow in size and number and the explosion of.
information floods the libraries, students often find themselves overwhelmed by the volume of.
reading required to understand basic concepts. Assimilating a fast changing, ever expanding.
subject like immunology can be a daunting process. As a teacher of immunology and clinical.
microbiology for undergraduate medical students, I have tried to present the basic tenets of the.
subject of immunology in a simple and understandable manner, very much like the many.
lectures I have given to students over the years. I have tried to evolve a story so that students.
may be inspired to read on and experience the wonder of scientific discovery. To this end I owe.
my own enjoyment of the subject to the many excellent articles in ‘Scientific American Medicine’,
to the pictorial presentation of immunological concepts in Ivan Roitt’s excellent textbooks of.
Immunology and to ‘Basic and Clinical Immunology’ of the Lange Medical Publication series. I.
gratefully acknowledge these sources for the many ideas and figures that I have adapted for.
this book. The second edition has been carefully updated, with some chapters being rewritten.
incorporating several new illustrations, in keeping with scientific advances. A new chapter.
dedicated to the immunology of HIV has been added in recognition of the devastating pandemic.
that has re-defined global health. I hope the book will be of use to students of medicine,
microbiology, nursing and for any one else in the life sciences who feels the need to explore this.
fascinating area of science.
Publisher: New Age Inteational (P) Ltd. (2003).
Editor: Shetty Nandini (ed.)
ISBN-10: 8122406408.
ISBN-13: 978-8122406405.
As textbooks and jouals of immunology grow in size and number and the explosion of.
information floods the libraries, students often find themselves overwhelmed by the volume of.
reading required to understand basic concepts. Assimilating a fast changing, ever expanding.
subject like immunology can be a daunting process. As a teacher of immunology and clinical.
microbiology for undergraduate medical students, I have tried to present the basic tenets of the.
subject of immunology in a simple and understandable manner, very much like the many.
lectures I have given to students over the years. I have tried to evolve a story so that students.
may be inspired to read on and experience the wonder of scientific discovery. To this end I owe.
my own enjoyment of the subject to the many excellent articles in ‘Scientific American Medicine’,
to the pictorial presentation of immunological concepts in Ivan Roitt’s excellent textbooks of.
Immunology and to ‘Basic and Clinical Immunology’ of the Lange Medical Publication series. I.
gratefully acknowledge these sources for the many ideas and figures that I have adapted for.
this book. The second edition has been carefully updated, with some chapters being rewritten.
incorporating several new illustrations, in keeping with scientific advances. A new chapter.
dedicated to the immunology of HIV has been added in recognition of the devastating pandemic.
that has re-defined global health. I hope the book will be of use to students of medicine,
microbiology, nursing and for any one else in the life sciences who feels the need to explore this.
fascinating area of science.