Westminster: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign
Parts, 1910. — 312 p.
Шэррок Дж. Э. С миссией в Южной Индии: жизнь и обычаи тамилов (на
англ. яз.)
Preliminary remarks.
The country, the people and their ways.
Historical sketch.
Hinduism, ancient and mode.
The Mission compound.
The temples of Christ, Vishnu and Siva.
Out in camp.
Caste in the Christian Church.
Evangelistic work.
Women's work.
The finger of God.
Medical Missions.
Concluding thoughts.
Preliminary remarks.
The country, the people and their ways.
Historical sketch.
Hinduism, ancient and mode.
The Mission compound.
The temples of Christ, Vishnu and Siva.
Out in camp.
Caste in the Christian Church.
Evangelistic work.
Women's work.
The finger of God.
Medical Missions.
Concluding thoughts.