IDG Books Worldwide, 1999. — 600 с. — ISBN 0764550896.
Язык: английский.
Авторемонт / починка автомобиля для чайников. Getting started
What makes it go?
Keeping your car in good condition, system by system
Dealing with on-the-road-emergencies
Making your vehicle look its best
The part of tens
Appendix A: Practical glossary of automotive terms
Appendix B: Specification and maintenance records
Book registration information
Авторемонт / починка автомобиля для чайников. Getting started
What makes it go?
Keeping your car in good condition, system by system
Dealing with on-the-road-emergencies
Making your vehicle look its best
The part of tens
Appendix A: Practical glossary of automotive terms
Appendix B: Specification and maintenance records
Book registration information