Springer, 2005. -1211 pp. – (Encyclopedia Of Earth Sciences
Map measurements of the world’s coastline length have yielded a figure of 500,000 km. However, when all of the very real and intricate coastal crenulations are considered, the actual length is probably closer to 1,000,000 km. Added to this is the fact that 40% of the 6,000,000,000 people presently inhabiting the earth live within 100 km of a coastline. From these observations, it can be seen that coasts are a very major geomorphic and social feature on the face of the planet. And for this reason,
scholars in a multitude of disciplines have long been studying the many facets of the zone where the land meets the sea.
In this collected volume, authorities in many fields expound on certain aspects of their expertise, not so much in a dictionary of terms sense as in a series of essays that may be broken down into such categories as: atmosphere and oceanography, ecology, engineering and technology, geomorphology, and human activities related to the coasts.
Map measurements of the world’s coastline length have yielded a figure of 500,000 km. However, when all of the very real and intricate coastal crenulations are considered, the actual length is probably closer to 1,000,000 km. Added to this is the fact that 40% of the 6,000,000,000 people presently inhabiting the earth live within 100 km of a coastline. From these observations, it can be seen that coasts are a very major geomorphic and social feature on the face of the planet. And for this reason,
scholars in a multitude of disciplines have long been studying the many facets of the zone where the land meets the sea.
In this collected volume, authorities in many fields expound on certain aspects of their expertise, not so much in a dictionary of terms sense as in a series of essays that may be broken down into such categories as: atmosphere and oceanography, ecology, engineering and technology, geomorphology, and human activities related to the coasts.