Издательство Springer, 2007, -217 pp.
I am not sure about the meaning of a preface, neither about its convenience or needlessness nor about the addressees. However, I suppose that it is expected to tell a (part of the) story behind the story and that it is read by at least two types of readers: The first group consists of friends, colleagues, and all others who have contributed to the opus in any way. Presumably, most of them like being named in the preface, and I think they deserve this attention because they have accompanied the road to the opus and are, thus, part of the whole. The second group comprises those academic fellows who are in the same boot as I am in terms of preparing or having even finished their doctoral or habilitation thesis. All others – be it that they generally like reading prefaces or expect hints with regard to the reading of this book – are likewise welcome to reading this preface.
This book contains most parts of my habilitation thesis, which was accepted by the Faculty of Business and Economics of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Unfortunately, to avoid possible copyright violation, I had to omit some paragraphs of the proposed infrastructure framework presented in Chapt.
6. If you are interested in the full version of this specific chapter, please contact me (schryen(собачка)gmx.net) and I will be happy to provide you an electronic copy. Usually, a thesis represents a (loosely-coupled) collection of published papers (cumulative thesis) or a classic monograph. However, this thesis is a hybrid insofar that the presentation mainly follows a thread but also contains parts that can be read isolated and that do not need to be read to get the whole picture. Figure 1.1 (p. 5) sheds light on this issue.
Since many parts of this book have been published elsewhere (conferences, jouals etc.) I got familiar with the time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process of publishing research papers. For example, I found referees who did not accept or follow argumentations while others stressed the strength of just these parts. Some found the research framework not very interesting while others appreciated it. These heterogeneous attitudes are often related to different point of views and although it is tempting to shift the blame on them when a paper is rejected I (maybe naЁ?vely) believe that most referees try to be objective and that a good paper will be accepted sooner or later. And it is definitely the author, not the referee, who affects the quality of a paper. However, this is sometimes hard to accept.
I hope that this book provides detailed insights into (the meaning of) spam e-mails, that it ignites fertile discussions, and that it triggers effective anti-spam activities.
Spam and its economic significance
The e-mail delivery process and its susceptibility to spam
Anti-spam measures
A model-driven analysis of the effectiveness of technological anti-spam measures
An infrastructure framework for addressing spam
The empirical analysis of the abuse of e-mail addresses placed on the Inteet
Summary and outlook
A Process for parsing, classifying, and storing e-mails
B Locations seeded with addresses that attracted most spam
I am not sure about the meaning of a preface, neither about its convenience or needlessness nor about the addressees. However, I suppose that it is expected to tell a (part of the) story behind the story and that it is read by at least two types of readers: The first group consists of friends, colleagues, and all others who have contributed to the opus in any way. Presumably, most of them like being named in the preface, and I think they deserve this attention because they have accompanied the road to the opus and are, thus, part of the whole. The second group comprises those academic fellows who are in the same boot as I am in terms of preparing or having even finished their doctoral or habilitation thesis. All others – be it that they generally like reading prefaces or expect hints with regard to the reading of this book – are likewise welcome to reading this preface.
This book contains most parts of my habilitation thesis, which was accepted by the Faculty of Business and Economics of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Unfortunately, to avoid possible copyright violation, I had to omit some paragraphs of the proposed infrastructure framework presented in Chapt.
6. If you are interested in the full version of this specific chapter, please contact me (schryen(собачка)gmx.net) and I will be happy to provide you an electronic copy. Usually, a thesis represents a (loosely-coupled) collection of published papers (cumulative thesis) or a classic monograph. However, this thesis is a hybrid insofar that the presentation mainly follows a thread but also contains parts that can be read isolated and that do not need to be read to get the whole picture. Figure 1.1 (p. 5) sheds light on this issue.
Since many parts of this book have been published elsewhere (conferences, jouals etc.) I got familiar with the time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process of publishing research papers. For example, I found referees who did not accept or follow argumentations while others stressed the strength of just these parts. Some found the research framework not very interesting while others appreciated it. These heterogeneous attitudes are often related to different point of views and although it is tempting to shift the blame on them when a paper is rejected I (maybe naЁ?vely) believe that most referees try to be objective and that a good paper will be accepted sooner or later. And it is definitely the author, not the referee, who affects the quality of a paper. However, this is sometimes hard to accept.
I hope that this book provides detailed insights into (the meaning of) spam e-mails, that it ignites fertile discussions, and that it triggers effective anti-spam activities.
Spam and its economic significance
The e-mail delivery process and its susceptibility to spam
Anti-spam measures
A model-driven analysis of the effectiveness of technological anti-spam measures
An infrastructure framework for addressing spam
The empirical analysis of the abuse of e-mail addresses placed on the Inteet
Summary and outlook
A Process for parsing, classifying, and storing e-mails
B Locations seeded with addresses that attracted most spam