General Editor - Charles B. Schmitt. Cambridge University Press,
2007, 944 pp.
The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to the emergence of mode philosophy at the tu of the seventeenth century. The Renaissance has attracted intense scholarly attention for over a century, but in the beginning the philosophy of the period was relatively neglected and this is the first volume in English to synthesize for a wider readership the substantial and sophisticated research now available. The volume is organized by branch of philosophy rather than by individual philosopher or by school. The intention has been to present the inteal development of different aspects of the subject in their own terms and within their historical context. This structure also emphasizes naturally the broader connotations of "philosophy" in that intellectual world.
"In selecting Charles Schmitt as general editor.Cambridge University Press guaranteed originality and innovation.On the basis of the soundness of the general editor's overall plan and the strength of his main contributors the Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy is an outstanding success." Charles Webster, Times Higher Education Supplement
"The appearance of the present volume will be warmly welcomed not only by historians of philosophy, but by all those engaged in any branch of Renaissance intellectual history, including the history of science and religion. Doubtless, it will serve as a standard work of reference for many years to come. It is a fitting monument to a fine and generous scholar." Nancy G. Siraisi, English Historical Review
".one must gratefully acknowledge the massive achievement of the enterprise and of the editorial vision that has supplied us with an intricately detailed and capacious volume that in many signal ways goes well beyond the existing histories of Renaissance philosophy and will undoubtedly serve as a stimulus and a resource for years to come." M.J.B. Allen, Renaissance Quarterly
Книга будет интересна всем, кто хочет расширить и углубить свои знания в области истории европейской философии эпохи Возрождения и не в форме простого перечисления авторов и поверхностного пересказа их сочинений, а через глубокое погружение в концептуальные структуры интеллектуальной традиции того времени. Книгу завершает обширнейшая библиография.
The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to the emergence of mode philosophy at the tu of the seventeenth century. The Renaissance has attracted intense scholarly attention for over a century, but in the beginning the philosophy of the period was relatively neglected and this is the first volume in English to synthesize for a wider readership the substantial and sophisticated research now available. The volume is organized by branch of philosophy rather than by individual philosopher or by school. The intention has been to present the inteal development of different aspects of the subject in their own terms and within their historical context. This structure also emphasizes naturally the broader connotations of "philosophy" in that intellectual world.
"In selecting Charles Schmitt as general editor.Cambridge University Press guaranteed originality and innovation.On the basis of the soundness of the general editor's overall plan and the strength of his main contributors the Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy is an outstanding success." Charles Webster, Times Higher Education Supplement
"The appearance of the present volume will be warmly welcomed not only by historians of philosophy, but by all those engaged in any branch of Renaissance intellectual history, including the history of science and religion. Doubtless, it will serve as a standard work of reference for many years to come. It is a fitting monument to a fine and generous scholar." Nancy G. Siraisi, English Historical Review
".one must gratefully acknowledge the massive achievement of the enterprise and of the editorial vision that has supplied us with an intricately detailed and capacious volume that in many signal ways goes well beyond the existing histories of Renaissance philosophy and will undoubtedly serve as a stimulus and a resource for years to come." M.J.B. Allen, Renaissance Quarterly
Книга будет интересна всем, кто хочет расширить и углубить свои знания в области истории европейской философии эпохи Возрождения и не в форме простого перечисления авторов и поверхностного пересказа их сочинений, а через глубокое погружение в концептуальные структуры интеллектуальной традиции того времени. Книгу завершает обширнейшая библиография.