New York: MJF Books, 1970. - 800 pp. - (The Library of Living
Philosophers Volume VII, originally published in 1949).
Einstein's autobiography, in German, and in English translation.
Descriptive and critical essays on the work of Albert Einstein:
- A. Sommerfeld. "To Albert Einstein's Seventieth Birthday"
- L. de Broglie. "The Scientific Work of Albert Einstein"
- I. Rosenthal-Schneider. "Presuppositions and Anticipations in Einstein's Physics"
- W. Pauli. "Einstein's Contributions to Quantum Theory"
- M. Bo. "Einstein's Statistical Theories"
- W. Heitler. "The Departure from Classical Thought in Mode Physics"
- N. Bohr. "Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics"
- H. Margenau. "Einstein's Conception of Reality"
- P.G. Frank. "Einstein, Mach, and Logical Positivism"
- H. Reichenbach. "The Philosophical Significance of the Theory of Relativity"
- H.P. Robertson. "Geometry as a Branch of Physics"
- P.W. Bridgman. "Einstein's Theories and the Operational Point of View"
- V.F. Lenzen. "Einstein's Theory of Knowledge"
- F.S.C. Northrop. "Einstein's Conception of Science"
- E.A. Milne. "Gravitation Without General Relativity"
- G.E. Lemaitre. "The Cosmological Constant"
- K. Menger. "Mode Geometry and the Theory of Relativity"
- L. Infeld. "General Relativity and the Structure of Our Universe"
- M. von Laue. "Inertia and Energy"
- H. Dingle. "Scientific and Philosophical Implications of the Special Theory of Relativity"
- K. Goedel. "A Remark about the Relationship Between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy"
- G. Bachelard. "The Philosophic Dialectic of the Concepts of Relativity"
- A. Wenzl. "Einstein's Theory of Relativity Viewed from the Standpoint of Critical Realism, and Its Significance for Philosophy"
- A.P. Ushenko. "Einstein's Influence on Contemporary Philosophy"
- V. Hinshaw, Jr. "Einstein's Social Philosophy"
Einstein's reply to the Essays Appearing in this Volume.
Bibliography of the writings of Albert Einstein.
Einstein's autobiography, in German, and in English translation.
Descriptive and critical essays on the work of Albert Einstein:
- A. Sommerfeld. "To Albert Einstein's Seventieth Birthday"
- L. de Broglie. "The Scientific Work of Albert Einstein"
- I. Rosenthal-Schneider. "Presuppositions and Anticipations in Einstein's Physics"
- W. Pauli. "Einstein's Contributions to Quantum Theory"
- M. Bo. "Einstein's Statistical Theories"
- W. Heitler. "The Departure from Classical Thought in Mode Physics"
- N. Bohr. "Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics"
- H. Margenau. "Einstein's Conception of Reality"
- P.G. Frank. "Einstein, Mach, and Logical Positivism"
- H. Reichenbach. "The Philosophical Significance of the Theory of Relativity"
- H.P. Robertson. "Geometry as a Branch of Physics"
- P.W. Bridgman. "Einstein's Theories and the Operational Point of View"
- V.F. Lenzen. "Einstein's Theory of Knowledge"
- F.S.C. Northrop. "Einstein's Conception of Science"
- E.A. Milne. "Gravitation Without General Relativity"
- G.E. Lemaitre. "The Cosmological Constant"
- K. Menger. "Mode Geometry and the Theory of Relativity"
- L. Infeld. "General Relativity and the Structure of Our Universe"
- M. von Laue. "Inertia and Energy"
- H. Dingle. "Scientific and Philosophical Implications of the Special Theory of Relativity"
- K. Goedel. "A Remark about the Relationship Between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy"
- G. Bachelard. "The Philosophic Dialectic of the Concepts of Relativity"
- A. Wenzl. "Einstein's Theory of Relativity Viewed from the Standpoint of Critical Realism, and Its Significance for Philosophy"
- A.P. Ushenko. "Einstein's Influence on Contemporary Philosophy"
- V. Hinshaw, Jr. "Einstein's Social Philosophy"
Einstein's reply to the Essays Appearing in this Volume.
Bibliography of the writings of Albert Einstein.