Издатель: ASK Publishing
Год выпуска: 2010
Количество страниц: 150
ISBN: 9784872177299
Серия: Nihongo Sou Matome
Язык курса: Английский, китайский, корейский Книга популярной серии "Нихонго Со Матомэ" для обновленной версии Nihongo Noryoku Shiken - уровень N
2. Грамматика. This book is to be used as a eight-week study guide. Each day, you will study three to four grammatical items found on the JLPT. Every week, from Day 1 to Day 6, you will study grammatical items which are similar in form and usage. On Day 7, you will check to see if you have leaed them by doing the "Jissen Mondai" (Practice Test), that is in JLPT format.
English translation is provided to explanations and examples sentences.
Год выпуска: 2010
Количество страниц: 150
ISBN: 9784872177299
Серия: Nihongo Sou Matome
Язык курса: Английский, китайский, корейский Книга популярной серии "Нихонго Со Матомэ" для обновленной версии Nihongo Noryoku Shiken - уровень N
2. Грамматика. This book is to be used as a eight-week study guide. Each day, you will study three to four grammatical items found on the JLPT. Every week, from Day 1 to Day 6, you will study grammatical items which are similar in form and usage. On Day 7, you will check to see if you have leaed them by doing the "Jissen Mondai" (Practice Test), that is in JLPT format.
English translation is provided to explanations and examples sentences.