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  • добавлен 10 ноября 2011 г.
Russer P. Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit, And Antenna Design for Communications Engineering
Artech House; 2 edition 2006, 729 Pages

This newly revised, authoritative resource is essential reading for professionals looking for a clear, complete overview of basic electromagnetics principles and applications to antenna and microwave circuit design for communications. Among the numerous updates, the second edition features a brand new chapter on the increasingly important topic of filters, an expanded treatment of antennas, and problem sets that help reinforce the understanding of key concepts in each chapter. Presenting examples in both exterior differential form calculus and conventional vector notation, the book includes concise explanations of all required mathematical concepts needed to fully comprehend the material. This unique volume is an ideal reference for engineers in the communications engineering field, and also serves as an excellent text for related graduate-level courses. There is no other book currently available that explains electromagnetics in such an easy-to-understand manner.
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