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  • добавлен 05 июля 2011 г.
Rossing T.D. (ed.) Handbook of Acoustics
Springer Science, New York, 2007, 1171 pp. - ISBN: 978-0-387-30446-5.
The present handbook covers a very wide field. Its 28 chapters range from the history of acoustics to sound propagation in the atmosphere; from nonlinear and underwater acoustics to thermoacoustics and concert hall acoustics. Also covered are musical acoustics, including computer and electronic music; speech and singing; animal (including whales) communication as well as bioacoustics in general, psychoacoustics and medical acoustics. In addition, there are chapters on structural acoustics, vibration and noise, including optical methods for their measurement; microphones, their calibration, and microphone and hydrophone arrays; acoustic holography; model analysis and much else needed by the professional engineer and scientist.
List of Abbreviations.
Introduction to Acoustics.

Part A Propagation of Sound.
A Brief History of Acoustics.
Basic Linear Acoustics.
Sound Propagation in the Atmosphere.
Underwater Acoustics.

Part B Physical and Nonlinear Acoustics.
Physical Acoustics.
Nonlinear Acoustics in Fluids.

Part С Architectural Acoustics.
Acoustics in Halls for Speech and Music
Concert Hall Acoustics Based on Subjective Preference Theory.
Building Acoustics.

Part D Hearing and Signal Processing
Physiological Acoustics.
Acoustic Signal Processing.

Part E Music, Speech, Electroacoustics.
Musical Acoustics.
The Human Voice in Speech and Singing.
Computer Music.
Audio and Electroacoustics.

Part F Biological and Medical Acoustics
Animal Bioacoustics.
Cetacean Acoustics.
Medical Acoustics.

Part G Structural Acoustics and Noise
Structural Acoustics and Vibrations.

Part H Engineering Acoustics
Microphones and Their Calibration.
Sound Intensity.
Acoustic Holography.
Optical Methods for Acoustics and Vibration Measurements.
Modal Analysis.
Acknowledgements. About the Authors. Detailed Contents. Subject Index.
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