(Роббинс Фредерик, Кей Тереза. О скорости горения одноосновных
образцов нитроцеллюлозных порохов). — Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD:
U.S. Army Research Laboratory. 1993. — 40 p.
Closed bomb firings have been conducted to determine the buing
rate behavior of pure nitrocellulose (NC) gun propellants. Samples
produced and tested included nitration levels of 12.02, 12.65,
13.11%, in both zero and seven-perforated cylindrical geometries. A
sample containing bask lead carbonate was also included. Buing
rates derived from the closed bomb tests were compared to strand
buer data measured on samples extruded from the same NC batches.
The buing rate plots for the pure NC samples show the
characteristic slope changes of propellants with additives.