Пер. с англ. - СПб.: Профессия - 2008 - 328 с. В книге рассмотрены
вопросы поиска неисправностей, возникающих на практике в процессах
экструзии, а также пути быстрого и эффективного устранения
возникающих проблем. Описаны основные их типы и предложены
систематический и методический подходы к их решению для разных
типов изделий. Кроме того, в издании рассмотрен вопрос контроля за
экструзионными процессами и качеством изделий.
Despite the industrial importance of extrusion troubleshooting, no
book currently deals exclusively with this topic. This book
rectifies this situation.
This book addresses all issues crucial in extrusion
troubleshooting. In addition, industrial case studies, which are
richly illustrating with color photographs and photomicrographs,
are used to provide exemplary approaches to efficient problem
analysis and problem solving.
Both authors have worked in extrusion for many years and have been
involved in many troubleshooting projects. Although it is
impossible to discuss all possible extrusion problems, it is
possible to discuss the main categories and to develop a systematic
and methodical approach to solving extrusion problems. In this
book, the authors frequently use flow charts and fishbone charts to
allow systematic troubleshooting.