Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 06 июля 2011 г.
Ramamurthy V., Schanze K.S. (ed.) Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry. Volume 9. Photochemistry of Organic Molecules in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media
Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003. - 408 p.
Owing to the dedicated efforts of numerous chemists, photochemistry has reached a stage of maturity - considerable knowledge has been accumulated conceing the excited-state behavior of both organic and inorganic molecules, and basic rules of the discipline have been laid out. To keep this knowledge intact and readily available it is necessary to periodically review the information that has been accumulated. With this in mind, this series continues to provide in-depth coverage of various aspects of photoscience.
Chapters 1 through 4 summarize the basic excited-state reactions of organic molecules. Chapters 5 and 6 present the existing knowledge on controlling and manipulating two reactions: electron transfer and oxygenation. Chapters 7 and 8 describe how one exploits the available information in materials applications. These chapters as a group provide a nice illustration of collection, manipulation, and exploitation of knowledge for our benefit.




Contents of Previous Volumes

Recent Advances in Di-?-methane Photochemistry: A New Look at a Classical Reaction
Diego Armesto, Maria J. Ortiz, and Antonia R. Agarrabeitia

The Photo-Fries Rearrangement
Miguel A. Miranda and Francisco Galindo

The Characterization and Reactivity of Photochemically Generated Phenylene Bis(diradical) Species as Revealed by Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry
Athanassios Nicolaides and Hideo Tomioka

Photoinduced-Electron-Transfer Initiated Reactions in Organic Chemistry
Philip Schmoldt, Heiko Rinderhagen, and Jochen Mattay

Design and Fine Control of Photoinduced Electron Transfer
Shunichi Fukuzumi and Hiroshi Imahori

Molecular Oxygenations in Zeolites
Edward L. Clennan

Organic–Inorganic Composites as Photonic Antenna
Huub Maas, Stefan Huber, Abderrahim Khatyr, Michel Pfenniger, Marc Meyer, and Gion Calzaferri

Photo-Switching Spiropyrans and Related Compounds
Jonathan Hobley, Martin J. Lear, and Hiroshi Fukumura

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