Batsford Chess Library, 1995. - 256 p.
Дебютная монография по защите Бенони. На английском языке. Для
квалифицированных шахматистов.
Winning with Black is no easy matter, especially against a solid
queen's pawn player. This is a problem Lev Psakhis faced in the
last round of the 1980 Soviet Championship. He opted for the
Benoni, and the rest is history!
This dynamic defense is about as close to total warfare as you get
in mode chess. The likelihood of exchanges and a quick draw is
minimized from the start; both players must carry out their plans
with the utmost vigour, or risk being swamped. Thorough,
up-to-the-minute coverage of all the key lines A deadly weapon for
club players Written by a leading exponent of the Benoni.