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Psakhis Lev. Advance and Other Anti-French Variations
Batsford Chess Book, 2003. - 161 p.
Монография по Французской защите.
Рассматриваются Разменный вариант, система Нимцовича, редкие продолжения (C00). На английском языке. Для квалифицированных шахматистов.
The French Defense remains one of the most popular strategies to use against White King's pawn opening; top class grandmasters such as Korchnoi, Morozevich, Bareev, and Short continue to practice it with success. Grandmaster Lev Psakhis, a former Soviet champion who has written extensively on this gambit, now shows how to counter it. In the second volume of his three-part series on the French Defense, he covers the aggressive 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 tactic, as well as a number of other "Anti-French" lines, including the King's Indian Attack and Exchange variations. A wealth of illustrated games as well as up-to-date theory also provide valuable instruction that will help chess players master these winning techniques.