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  • добавлен 02 августа 2011 г.
Pracejus B. The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope. An Optical Guide
Изд-во Elsevier, 2008 г., 895 с. This is a very detailed colour atlas for ore/opaque minerals (ore microscopy) with the main emphasis on name and synonyms, mineral group, chemical composition, information about major formation environment, optical data, reflection colour/shade comparison with 4 common/standard minerals of a similar colour or grey shade, up to 5 high-quality photos for each mineral with scale, and a short description of the pictures. A compilation from some of the prominent publications in the field of ore microscopy yielded a list of 431 minerals are included in this atlas.

Acknowledgements and Sample Sources. Instrument Settings. Preface. Mineral Description. Explanations and Abbreviations. I Elements. A. Metallic and Intermetallic Compounds, Carbides, Nitrides, Phosphides and Silicides. B. Semimetals and Nonmetals.II. Sulfides and Sulphosalts. A. Alloys and Alloy-like Compounds, with Copper, Silver, Gold and Nickel. B. Sulfides with Metal: Sulfur, Selenium and Tellurium 1:
1. C. Sulfides with Metal: Sulfur, Selenium and Tellurium = 1:
1. D. Sulfides with Metal: Sulfur, Selenium and Tellurium 1:1, Tellurides with Copper, Silver and Gold. E. Sulfosalts (S : As,Sb,BI = x), Sulfosalts with Predominant Iron and Copper x =
2.0. F. Sulfides with Nonmetallic Properties, Arsenic-Sulfides. X. Unclassified Strunz Sulfides and Sulphosalts. III. Halogenides. A. Simple Halogenides, without Water Metal : Halogen = 1:
1. B. D-Oxihalogenides with Mg-Mn-Cu-Zn-Sn. IV. Oxides. A. Oxides with Metal : Oxygen = 1:1 and 2:1 (N2O, MO). B. Oxides with Metal : Oxygen = 3:4 (Spinel type M3O4 and related), Aluminat-Spinels. C. Oxides with Metal : Oxygen = 2:3 (M2O3 and related compounds). D. Oxides with Metal: Oxygen = 1:2 (MO2 and related compounds). E. Oxides with Metal : Oxygen 1:2 (M2O5, MO3). F. Hydroxides and oxidic hydrates, water bearing Oxides with Layered Structure. G. Vanadiumoxides (with V4+/5+), Group-vanadates. K. Sulfides, Selenides, Tellurides with [XO3}2- groups and related structures. V. Nitratesm Carbonates and Borates. B. Waterfree carbonates {CO3}2- without unfamiliar anions. C. Waterfree carbonates with unfamiliar anions. G. ";Insel"; Borates {BO3}3- ";inseln";. VI. Sulfates, Chromates, Molybdates and Tungstates. A. Waterfree sulfates [SO4]2- without unfamiliar Anions, Cations of Medium Size. B. Waterfree sulfates [SO4]2- with Unfamiliar Anions. Cations of Medium Size. C. Water bearing sulfates without unfamiliar Anions. Cations of Medium Size. F. Chromates [CrO4]2-. G. Molybdates [MoO4]2- and Wolframates [WO4]2-. VII Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates. A. Waterfree phosphates [PO4]3- without unfamiliar anions, cations of small size: Li, Be, Al. B. Waterfree phosphates with unfamiliar anions F, Cl, O, OH, cations of very small size: Li, Be. C. Waterfree phosphates without unfamiliar anions. Cations of medium and small size: Be and Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg. VII. Silicates. A. Nesosilicates, with [SiO4]4- groups, cations of tetrahedric orientation [4]. B. Nesosubsilicates, with anions unfamiliar to tetraheders, cations of octahedral and tetrahedral orientation [4/6]. C. Sorosilicates, with [Si2O7]6-, without anions unfamiliar to tetraheders. E. Cyklosilicates, Triplet Rings [Si3O9]6-. F. Inosilicates (Chain and Band) Double Chains [Si2O6]4-. H. Phyllosilicates (Layered), Tetragonal or pseudotetragonal layered structures [Si4O10]4- and others. Bibliography/Print Media, Bibliography/Electronic Media, Index.
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