Из серии: Feminist Philosophy Collection.
Феминистская метафизика. Исследования в онтологии пола, гендера и самости.
Шпрингер, 2011. 247 стр. Язык английский.
- Introduction
Charlotte Witt
The Ontology of Sex and Gender
- What Is Gender Essentialism?
Charlotte Witt
- Different Women. Gender and the Realism-Nominalism Debate
Natalie Stoljar
- The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender
Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir
- Ontological Commitments, Sex and Gender
Mari Mikkola
- Metaphors of Being a Marilyn Frye
Persons and Subjectivity
- The Metaphysics of Relational Autonomy
Jules Holroyd
- Beauvoir on the Allure of Self-Objectification
Nancy Bauer
- A Phenomenology of Sexual Difference: Types, Styles and Persons
Sara Heinämaa
Power, Ideology and Reality
- The Politics and the Metaphysics of Experience
Marianne Janack
- Ideology, Generics, and Common Ground
Sally Haslanger
- Experience and Knowledge: The Case of Sexual Abuse Memories
Linda Martín Alcoff
Феминистская метафизика. Исследования в онтологии пола, гендера и самости.
Шпрингер, 2011. 247 стр. Язык английский.
- Introduction
Charlotte Witt
The Ontology of Sex and Gender
- What Is Gender Essentialism?
Charlotte Witt
- Different Women. Gender and the Realism-Nominalism Debate
Natalie Stoljar
- The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender
Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir
- Ontological Commitments, Sex and Gender
Mari Mikkola
- Metaphors of Being a Marilyn Frye
Persons and Subjectivity
- The Metaphysics of Relational Autonomy
Jules Holroyd
- Beauvoir on the Allure of Self-Objectification
Nancy Bauer
- A Phenomenology of Sexual Difference: Types, Styles and Persons
Sara Heinämaa
Power, Ideology and Reality
- The Politics and the Metaphysics of Experience
Marianne Janack
- Ideology, Generics, and Common Ground
Sally Haslanger
- Experience and Knowledge: The Case of Sexual Abuse Memories
Linda Martín Alcoff