Cooperative Press, 2011. — 199 p.
Книга посвящена вязанию спицами в технике двойного вязания.
Подробное иллюстрированное описание техник и методов, 14
оригинальных проектов.
Double-knitting is the art of creating a knitted fabric with no
"wrong" side, but that's only the beginning. Alasdair Post-Quinn
has created an exhaustive how-to for double-knitting that
thoroughly tackles techniques you didn't even know existed, let
alone thought were possible, such as cabled double-knit fabric,
knitting different pattes on either side of the fabric (instead
of the usual mirror images) and much more. With 14 pattes, nearly
200 pages and more than 400 photos and illustrations, Extreme
Double-Knitting is the only double-knitting reference you need!