Explore bending of light between two media with different indices
of refraction. See how changing from air to water to glass changes
the bending angle. Play with prisms of different shapes and make
Version: 1.03, 2012.
Leaing Goals
Explain how light bends at the interface between two media and what determines the angle.
Apply Snell’s law to a laser beam incident on the interface between media.
Describe how the speed and wavelength of light changes in different media.
Describe the effect of changing wavelength on the angle of refraction.
Explain how a prism creates a rainbow.
Design Team: Noah Podolefsky (lead), Kathy Perkins, Trish Loeblein, Emily Moore (interviews), Sam Reid (developer)
Authers of Teaching Ideas: Cynthia Bordash and others.
Software Requirements
Windows: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7, Sun Java 1.5.0_15 or later.
Macintosh: OS 10.5 or later, Sun Java 1.5.0_19 or later.
Linux: Sun Java 1.5.0_15 or later.
Note: The teacher's guide (pdf) contains tips created by the PhET team.
Version: 1.03, 2012.
Leaing Goals
Explain how light bends at the interface between two media and what determines the angle.
Apply Snell’s law to a laser beam incident on the interface between media.
Describe how the speed and wavelength of light changes in different media.
Describe the effect of changing wavelength on the angle of refraction.
Explain how a prism creates a rainbow.
Design Team: Noah Podolefsky (lead), Kathy Perkins, Trish Loeblein, Emily Moore (interviews), Sam Reid (developer)
Authers of Teaching Ideas: Cynthia Bordash and others.
Software Requirements
Windows: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7, Sun Java 1.5.0_15 or later.
Macintosh: OS 10.5 or later, Sun Java 1.5.0_19 or later.
Linux: Sun Java 1.5.0_15 or later.
Note: The teacher's guide (pdf) contains tips created by the PhET team.